
Unlimited CPanel Hosting

Original price was: ₹1,999.00.Current price is: ₹999.00.

Unlimited CPanel Hosting

So cPanel hosting is a kind of shared hosting that is powered by the control panel company named cPanel.


Unlimited CPanel Hosting


So cPanel hosting is a kind of shared hosting that is powered by the control panel company named cPanel. The shared hosting is the one in which small websites i.e. those have a low volume of traffic. Multiple low volume traffic websites are hosted all together inside the same platform but have their own dedicated section of the hard drive for their own files. The only things they are sharing is the server’s CPU and RAM resources. Hosting accounts and websites are managed by the web hosts through the control panel only. cPanel gives your website the advantage of adding new email addresses and install new software or even create additional websites if required.

cPanel vs other control panels

Although there many control panels present in the market, but none of them is even near to cPanel in terms of services and features. Not every control panel is as easy to use as the cPanel and come up with limited features. cPanel gained popularity because the other control panels made the experience for the beginners very complex and an overwhelming process. For all the beginners or old players cPanel makes navigation around the control panel as easy as drinking a glass of water.

But there is a big question which always pops up in many mind is that “How to use cPanel?”. Answer to this question is hidden in the features and advantages of cPanel.

This has been observed that the control panel having lesser features reduces the potential of the user to explore the possibilities whether in hosting or else wise. cPanel is the global leader among all the control panels that comes with an edge here and has its own set of advantages. For cPanel, it’s not only about setting that benchmark of being the best but to constantly develop and adding new features and hence making the whole website experience more and more enhanced. And this is where cPanel wins the competition every time as the rest of the control panel brand does not have that much capacity and room for constant self-development and thus has become stagnant without any scope of improvement.


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