Toll Free Services

Toll-Free Services are provided on a state-of-the-art and intelligent network with easy to remember 1800 and 1860 number series to the enterprises. With an industry-first SLA commitment and an exclusive self-care portal, our services ensure that enterprises can establish higher service standards and be always accessible to the customers.


A toll-free number can help you bring a paradigm shift in your customer experience by enabling your customers to conveniently reach out to you without any cost

Tata Tele Business Services’ Toll-Free Services are provided on a state-of-the-art and intelligent network with easy to remember 1800 and 1860 number series to the enterprises. With an industry-first SLA commitment and an exclusive self-care portal, our services ensure that enterprises can establish higher service standards and be always accessible to the customers.

Enterprises can use our toll-free number services to enhance their customer service by always staying in touch with their existing customer base and making convenient for the new customers to reach their product/services. It helps businesses maximize the call volume, drive better sales and ROI and improve retention rate. It is the best way to evaluate the effectiveness of the web pages, promotional campaigns, and other marketing strategies taken by the businesses.


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